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How to order Duplication or Replication

It might seem a little intimidating but ordering a CD or other type of disc duplication or replication order is actually very simple.

  1. First, decide whether you need duplication or replication. They are not exactly the same thing. If you’re not sure which is best for you, check out our <Replication vs Duplication> page.
  2. Once you figure out your project needs, fill out our order quote request form online here. It asks you the quantity and type of media as well as the date you desire to receive the product. It will also ask you name, address, and phone number. If you need assistance or a quote immediately, simply call our specialists at (877)-992-3766.
  3. If you are using our print services to create disc label or other packaging art, then it’s a good idea to skim through our artwork requirements page so you are prepared. Remember that all artwork should be a high resolution 300DPI for best print quality. If you’re not the artistic type, don’t’ worry—we have on site certified graphic artists waiting to help you.
  4. One you have received and accepted your quote, simply fax or mail an order form.
  5. You will need to send along 3 copies of your master disc with your order form. Check out our tips on making a good master disc!
  6. If at any time you have difficulty understanding what to do next or need other help, don’t hesitate to call us at (877)-992-3766. We can help walk you through the process!

See Duplication Ordering Checklist

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