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DVD and Custom Printed Wallet Mailer

Expand your horizons with a DVD in DVD Wallet Mailer. Each complete package includes DVDs, full Color Disc printing, and Wallet Mailers. Wallet mailers are perfect to send your discs long distances, while still having the functionality wallet!

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within the Continental United States.

Quick Quote
First: * Last: * Phone: ( ) - Company: Email: *
Type:    Duplication vs Replication Duplication:
is best for quick production times, low quantity batches, CD-R media, and offers premium Photo printing.

is best for large quantity batches, CD-ROM media, and retail ready packaging. It also has a lower cost per disc.
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Virtual Proof  

First Name, Last Name and Email required
1000+ 2500+ 5000+ 10000+ 25000+
10-14 days
$1.61 $1.07 $0.87 $0.72 $0.66

Prices for each unit.